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Changes in midlife can be BIG!

But YOU really CAN steer your ship on the course you want, and make this next chapter the BEST one yet!

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Are you going through some changes in your body & your health - like weight gain, menopause-related symptoms, diminished energy?


Are you questioning how you want to live your "second act" of life?

We can let changes drag us around, or we can get more involved with creating our BEST new chapter, through mindset, envisioning, planning and taking small, meaningful, empowered steps to create the life you want, feeling GREAT!

How could your world look and feel with a more empowered YOU?

My Story
Although I have felt like a relatively empowered person for most of my life, I was really surprised by the cascade of difficult changes that have come in midlife (menopause, coming out, divorce, empty nesting).  These changes have been an opportunity to approach my choices differently, and step into a new chapter of authenticity, vibrancy and aliveness.  At 53 years old, I honestly feel better than any other decade of my life, and I want to help other women feel their absolute best, too!

Quitting drinking in 2019 started a slow train of shifting awareness that helped me realize that I needed to make some changes in my life.  

Meanwhile, the not-so-slow train of perimenopause took my body through changes that were really uncomfortable, and sometimes demoralizing!  Hot flashes, weight gain, sleeplessness, low energy & forgetfulness - no thank you!

Then, all at once, my kids moved away from home, I got an ADHD diagnosis, I got divorced, and my business partners left management of our biz.  That was a LOT of change to navigate, all at once.

What I learned was that:
1. I needed structure and support, in order to create the most authentic, empowered version of myself ever, and
2. I needed to optimize my energy to do it.  This meant better sleep, better nutrition and a different approach to movement.

Now, I am living a life that feels more free, more authentic, more empowered and more ALIVE!  I have taken charge of my life and I feel better than I have in ANY other decade of life. I'm excited to help other women navigate their own changes to create a more intentional, empowered next chapter. 
My many years of body-positive yoga therapy work has laid a foundation for compassionate, caring coaching, that will help you get the results you want in your life.  Those results won't look like anyone else's because YOU'RE the one creating what they are!
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Coaching Dimensions
I coach all kinds of people, but I mostly work in two tracks.

Health/Life Coaching

I help women navigate change.  This change can be related to relationships, career, spirituality, identity, or parenting.

I help you define your dreams, get to your heart-felt motivations, and use those motivations to help you create (and carry out) a plan to make them a reality.

All of this work requires a balancing and optimization of energy. This is often enhanced by key changes in lifestyle (eating, sleeping, moving) that will help you feel your best, so you can implement the bigger changes in life. 

Sober - Curious Coaching

I have helped dozens of people become more clear, honest and compassionate about their relationship with alcohol.
Many of my clients have a strong sense that alcohol is holding them back from living their best lives

My program allows for the ambivalence that often accompanies quitting drinking, not forcing any decisions, but allowing for honest, curious space to explore how drinking makes you feel and how you want to live. 

Some clients have decided to quit booze for good
and have stay-quit! 

Kathe S.

"The biggest win? Personal empowerment. This program equipped me with the knowledge and confidence to navigate my health journey. I am owning my wins, and learning to take credit for all that I’ve done to navigate a challenging set of circumstances.  I feel more in control and capable of making good choices.
E.B. has been crucial to my success. She is so smart, kind , patient & loving. She taught me so much. Great program!"

Alice G.

"I've really loved the sober-curious work I've been doing with E.B.  It has helped give me perspective, and offered me time and space to consider what my own thoughts and feelings are about drinking are.  I appreciate knowing that I won't be pressured to quit forever, but that I can try out and experience what's right for me.
I've also been able to improve my health habits with improved nutrition and more exercise, so I feel better than ever!"

Marta B.

"The most important aspect for me has been accountability. Having a coach kept me motivated and on track, especially when facing challenges.
E.B. even provided emotional support, helping me overcome negative perceptions around meal prep. Now, it's a form of self-care, an investment in my well-being."
What you will get
  • A clear vision for what your success looks like and feels like, so you’ll know when you have it.
  • Defining and integrating your Big Why (this is the real reason why making this change matters to you!)
  • Clear clutter (emotional and physical) from your life so you can make space for your best life.
  • Accountability as you implement the plan that will make the biggest impact possible in 90 days.
Optimization of your lifestyle by:
  • Discovering the nutrients you need, both on your plate, and to feed your body and your soul, like:
    • Sleep & Movement
    • Love & Sex
    • Fun & Play
  • Honest reflection about what’s working and what’s not working in your career, relationships, family life, spiritual connection and more (where do you say “yes” when you really mean “no”?)
  • Learn how to receive help and support (you’re always giving, but who’s giving back to you?)
  • Learn to put yourself, your visions and your health first (this is YOUR time - no more putting yourself last on the priority list.
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How Does It Work?

By implementing small, meaningful changes, in the right order, so they become habits that last a lifetime.

​You get twelve weekly coaching sessions by video conference

Also ongoing support via video or text messaging between sessions.

Bonus: Unlimited access to Unfold livestream and on-demand movement & meditation classes, to support your body and mind.
When is it a good time to get coaching?
Investing in a coach takes COURAGE and the belief that you deserve to create the life you really want.
Why?  Because you have to TRUST in yourself and put in the work to make that change.
I firmly believe that people are not broken, and don't need to be fixed.  AND if we want things to be different, we need to discover and enact the small, meaningful steps that are going to get us to that new desired state.
I am simply here to guide you, support you and collaborate with you and hold you accountable, so that the change you want is inevitable. I hold a kind, non-judgmental space from which we'll build your foundation... BUT you need to be willing to see yourself ascend to these new heights, and more empowered versions of yourself.
Coaching is a great fit for you if you need help with any of these:
  • Optimizing your energy and feeling better in your body,
  • Overcoming stress, anxiety, and feelings of overwhelm
  • Creating a mindset shift to fuel big changes in to be empowered in midlife
  • Explore sober-curiosity in terms of alcohol or other behaviors. 
  • Living a life that feels authentic, living your truth.
  • Creating an actionable plan to carry out your vision.
  •  You're aware that that you need a change,
  •  You're curious about how to become more empowered,
  •  You would benefit from more support in a judgement-free space.
Your investment
Your 12-week coaching experience is a total investment of $1795.
Your investment can also be paid in 3 equal payments of $645.
A limited number of sliding scale spots are available, please inquire.

Do You Have Questions?

You're welcome to schedule a free 30-minute connection call to see if we're a good fit, or if you just have a couple questions, you can send an email.
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